Connecting to You
Join Leanne for her Connecting to You Workshop where you will be taken on a unique journey to connect with YOU, your higher self, Twin Flame, Soul Mate and the Divine. Each of these retreats focuses on a different aspect of love and relationships and will allow you to be gently guided through powerful processes to help you become aware of, shift and transform any resistance, blockages, limiting beliefs and sabotage patterns holding you back from being all of who you are and embracing more love, joy, connection and intimacy. During the retreats, Leanne will also connect to Spirit and your loved ones who have passed over, to bring through guidance, insights and practical strategies to help you bring to the surface what you value and find important around love and relationships as well as how you can embrace more connection with self, others and the Divine. If you are ready to receive guidance and support to help you align with the essence of who you are and embrace more joy, connection, intimacy and love in your life, then kick off your shoes and join Leanne for the next Connecting to You Workshop.
In the next Connecting to You Workshop, Leanne and her co-host Julie Cardillo will focus on connecting YOU with the essence of who you are, exactly who you were created to be, your true self, a perfectly whole individual of love to the absolute core. Throughout the day you will have the opportunity to gain an understanding of who you were born to be in this world, what makes you tick, your personality, what motivates you, drives you forward and what you desire in life.
Date & Time: To be advised
Venue: To be advised
If you are ready to stop defining yourself by your job or role in life or what you think you are supposed to be and do and are ready to align with what you value and find most important in life so you can start living your highest truth, then kick off your shoes and join Julie and Leanne for the next Connecting to You Workshop.


Book your space in the next Connecting to You Workshop will for only $390AUD (normally $444AUD) which includes:
A full day of professional expert teachings and wisdom as well as practical tools and techniques from Leanne and Julie to support you in connecting with the essence of who you are
Guidance and insights from Spirit as Leanne connects to your loved ones who have passed over and provides you with answers to your questions and messages to support you in your everyday life
1 x Connecting with Your Essence Workbook
Clearings, healings, visualisations, affirmations and meditation processes
A light lunch, tea, coffee, juice and water
1 x month membership of the Twin Flame Journey™ VIP community
If you are ready to connect with the essence of who YOU are and begin consciously aligning with what you value most in life so you can start living your highest truth, then reserve your space in the next 1 Day Connecting to You Retreat using the Book Now button below:
Connection to You Workshop $390AUD
Within 48 hours of receiving your booking, you will receive a further confirmation email with full address details for your workshop.